koch's postulates in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- accounting postulates Will the accounting postulates be changed These changes can have great impact on accounting . but from the essence of accounting postulates , the existing accounting postulates is not tota...
- agm postulates The first six postulates are called " the basic AGM postulates ". All these postulates are entailed by the AGM postulates. The AGM postulates can be translated into a set of postulates for...
- auditing postulates The former is absolutely necessary and is the base of building the framework . it includes environmental auditing objective , environmental auditing postulates , environmental auditing pri...
- bohr postulates Bohr postulated a border between the quantum and classical worlds, but theorists prefer that there be only one world that can somehow supply its own solidity. According to the second Niels...
- defining postulates Even with the defining postulates of both Einstein's theory of general relativity and quantum theory being indisputably supported by rigorous and repeated empirical evidence, and while the...
- euclid postulates Euclid postulated that light travelled in straight lines and described the laws of reflection and studied them mathematically.
- fundamental postulates The concept of a wavefunction is a fundamental postulate of quantum mechanics. A set of conclusions is potentially undone once any of its fundamental postulates is disproved. This is the B...
- henle koch postulates Those two put up the fundamental rules of cleanly defining disease-causing microbes : the Henle Koch postulates.
- koch postulates Those two put up the fundamental rules of cleanly defining disease-causing microbes : the Henle Koch postulates. Giovanonni notes that the Koch postulates cannot be used in the case of pos...
- list of postulates The classical approach is well-illustrated by Euclid's Elements, where a list of postulates is given ( common-sensical geometric facts drawn from our experience ), followed by a list of " ...
- postulates Yes, a month of postulating unanswerable questions is about over. There is unfortunately no proof of this postulate in the book. Next we need to postulate the company's stock performance. ...
- postulates of accounting At first , the author shows the accounting ethics which has been studied all over the world and the theoretical and practical significance of accounting ethics research ; and makes clear t...
- postulates of quantum mechanics The concept of a wavefunction is a fundamental postulate of quantum mechanics. This is the Born rule, and is one of the fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics. By a postulate of quant...
- postulates of special relativity That's one of Einstein's postulates of special relativity. The invariance of light speed is one of the postulates of special relativity. :: We actually have an article on the postulates of...
- quantum mechanics postulates To begin with, the basic conceptual structure of Quantum Mechanics postulates the existence of pairs of complementary variables, connected by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.